😀 Why don't wiper blades ever get tired? Because they're always wiping away their problems!

Don't worry, I only have 1 joke for this article 😇

Why is it important to keep wiper blades raised when parked in tropical, sunny, and dusty regions? How often should you check and maintain your wiper blades? Are wiper blades designed for different speeds? Can wiper blades be used for more than just wiping?

Read through the casual conversations between Ramu & Somu to get these and more general wiper blade queries answered!!

Ramu: "Hey Somu, have you been keeping up with your wiper blades? why in tropical sunny and dusty climatic regions it is recommended to keep wiper blades raised when parked?

Somu: "Oh, I didn't realize it was that important. What's the big deal?"

Ramu: "Well, the heat and UV rays from the sun can cause the rubber on the blades to deteriorate quickly, leading to reduced effectiveness and the need for frequent replacements. And let me tell you, nothing's worse than trying to see through a dirty, scratched windshield when the dust storm hits."

Somu: "I see, so what can I do to prevent that?"

Ramu: "One of the best things you can do is keep the blades raised when parked. This helps to reduce the amount of exposure to UV radiation and heat, and also prevents dust and debris from accumulating on the blades and scratching the windshield."

Somu: "Oh, that makes sense. I never thought about that. Is there anything else I should be doing?"

Ramu: "Absolutely. Regular maintenance is key. Check the blades at least twice a year and replace them as soon as you notice any signs of wear and tear. And don't forget to keep the windshield clean, it'll prolong the life of the blades and improve your visibility on the road."

Somu: "Wow, I had no idea. Thanks for the tips, Ramu. I'll make sure to keep my wiper blades in check from now on!"

Ramu: "No problem, Somu. Just remember, a clean windshield is a happy windshield! 🚗🌦️"

Somu: "Haha, I'll remember that. Thanks, Ramu!"

Somu: "You know Ramu, speaking of wiper blades, I heard that wiper blades were invented by a woman. Is that true?"

Ramu: "You're correct, Somu! Mary Anderson is credited with inventing the first wiper blade in 1903. She came up with the idea while watching streetcars in New York City during a snowstorm and noticing that the drivers had to stop and manually clean the windshields."

Somu: "Wow, I had no idea. I also heard that wiper blades have different designs for different weather conditions, is that also true?"

Ramu: "Yes, that's correct. Winter blades have a different design than summer blades to better handle snow and ice. And, in extremely cold weather, wiper blades can be used to remove ice from the windshield by heating the blades or using a de-icing fluid."

Somu: "That's really interesting"

Ramu: "Here's a fact for you. Some wiper blades have built-in sensors that can detect when the blades need to be replaced and alert the driver. And wiper blades have been used in space, art installations, movies and TV shows, music, and video games."

Somu: "Wow, that's really cool. Thanks for all the information, Ramu. I'll definitely keep all of this in mind when it comes to maintaining my wiper blades."

Ramu: "You're welcome, Somu. Remember, a well-maintained wiper blade is a happy wiper blade! 🚗🌦️"

"Wiper blades are often overlooked when it comes to car maintenance, but they play a crucial role in maintaining visibility on the road, especially in tropical, sunny, and dusty regions. In this article, we explore the importance of keeping wiper blades raised when parked, the benefits of using silicone blades, and the importance of regular maintenance. We also dive into some fun facts about the history and uses of wiper blades. From the inventor of the first wiper blade to its use in space, art installations, movies, music and video games, there's more to wiper blades than meets the eye. Learn how to keep your wiper blades in tip-top shape and keep your windshield clean, clear and safe on the road."

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