Rainy days are different from any other days, andduring those days it’s especially important to take care of your vehicles! #Rain water damages your car’s paint, rain water collects pollutants that eventually damages your entire #car paint, rusting of the metallic parts of your #vehicle, etc.

Therefore, below we’ve mentioned few #tips and tricks for this rainy season that car owners should adopt :

Check #tyres and spare tyre for wear, replace if necessary. 

Use #carcovers. It helps in protecting the car paint as well as prevents excess dirt, fallen leaves and unknown things which in turn dirty your car. 

Keep your car in a shade and at a place higher than the normal ground level. This prevents the water to get into the tyres and deteriorate the quality. 

Keep newspaper in handy! Muddy shoes, wet clothes etc., dirties the interior of your car so it’s always better to take measures for situations like that beforehand. Newspaper absorbs water instantly and prevents damaging the carpet and the moisture that in turn makes the vehicle to smell and it’s easy to purchase!

Finally, #drive slowly! The muddy water splashing to the exterior of the car can be pretty exhausting to deal with, driving slowly also helps preventing different scenarios like obstruction during your travel

Blog by Janvi


⛈ Whats best during rainydays ☔ Be cautious and prepared for a safe and comfortable drive 🚗 🗞 quick read to remind you of some simple steps that will help. #car #carcaretips #safetyfirst #drivesafe

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